Creating a custom navigation


2 min read

Custom Navigation allows you to create and customize the navigation bar on your store. You can create a Dropdown, add links to pages or collections, and arrange the order and hierarchy of navigation items. It helps visitors easily navigate through your store and find the content they are looking for. The navigation is responsive, ensuring a consistent experience across different devices.

To create Custom Navigation

  • Goto Appearance

  • Click on Components

  • Edit Navigation and select Customized Navigation as shown in the image below

  • You will be automatically redirected to Navigation Editor

  • From Editor, you can ADD a new navigation item or ADD a dropdown item as shown in the image below

  • You can see LIVE how the navigation is looking and can also Drag and drop items to arrange them in the right order

  • Whenever you click on the Goto field it will show you a popup with all the possible navigation options that you have for your website.

Now save the changes and your website will have a custom navigation bar that you configured yourself.

If you like to edit the Navigation afterward then, you can just click on the Settings icon inside Appearance > Components > Navigation

Here are some examples of how it will look on a laptop vs mobile.

  • For desktop/laptop

  • For mobiles

Upgrade your store to Blanxer Premium Plan to start using this feature today ๐Ÿ˜Š
